What is AAT?
Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT) offers a unique and highly effective approach in treating the many symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities. AAT is a precision-based therapy that treats the organ systems involved in an overreaction. AAT does not treat the immune system; instead, the therapy focuses on inappropriate reactions to a harmless substance in relation to the organs systems to produce rapid, long-term results for the relief of associated symptoms. AAT merges 21st century science with 3,000-year-old traditional acupuncture principles in offering an effective alternative in the treatment of symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities.
No needles
No herbal remedies
No supplements
No avoidance
What is AAT? What are Allergies? What symptoms do you treat?
What Common Allergens or Offending Agents can be treated? FAQ's
AAT does not diagnose allergies, sensitivities or intolerances.
AAT does not test for allergies or sensitivities. The AAT system simply assesses what may be causing a stress to the body.
AAT does not treat cases of anaphylaxis or life-threatening symptoms. Strict avoidance is always advised in these cases.
AAT does not cure allergies, nor does the therapy treat the immune system. AAT is a highly effective treatment that provides long-term relief from symptoms associated with allergies or sensitivities.
What are Allergies/Sensitivities?
Allergies and sensitivities are caused by an inappropriate reaction to harmless substances. The word “allergy” comes from the Greek allos, meaning “other”. It was first used in 1906 to refer to an “altered reaction” in the body’s immune system.
A “true allergy” is a reaction triggered by the immune system, however there are a vast number of symptoms or conditions caused by sensitivities that may or may not involve the immune system. With reactions involving food, a large percentage of the population believe they have allergies, yet fewer than 2% actually have true allergies. In fact, many suffer from undiagnosed food sensitivities or intolerances. The majority of patients who seek the AAT treatment do not have true allergies; their symptoms are likely to be caused by sensitivities with no immune involvement. Since there are few options for the treatment of sensitivities, other than avoidance, AAT provides a highly effective alternative. Symptoms caused by true allergies, however, also respond well to the treatment as the organs systems involved in the reaction are also addressed.
The use of the word “allergy” has become a generic term used by the public to describe allergies, sensitivities and intolerances.
What symptoms do you treat?
This technique has helped with relief of issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, respiratory problems like asthma, dermatological problems, headache, fatigue, multiple systems such as ADHD, as well as general environmental sensitivities. AAT can treat any substance or stimulus that causes a negative reaction such as shell fish, red and white wine, beer, chemicals, latex, fruit, food components, perfumes, berries, airborne irritants, eggs, dust, dust mites, nutritional supplements, nightshades, seasonal allergies, environmental, grains, animal dander, woods, metals, dairy, fabrics, upholstery, plastics, stinging insects, coffee, chocolate, detergents, softeners, sunlight and barometric pressure.
A sensitivity or inappropriate reaction may cause symptoms from any organ system in the body. Some systems are prone to reacting to certain families of allergies or substances, such as the respiratory system reacting to pollen. However, a substance may affect any organ system, which could cause a multitude of symptoms varying from case to case. For example, a reaction to wheat may cause hives in one person, digestive issues in another, and fatigue or wheezing or Acid Reflux in other patients. AAT addresses the specific organ systems affected by the allergen or offending substance.
Digestive System
Symptoms include acid reflux, heartburn, abdominal and intestinal pain, cramping, gas, bloating, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Primarily caused by food allergens or other ingestants. IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is primarily caused by sensitivities and affects approximately 15% of the population. Common symptoms of IBS include diarrhea, constipation, and bloating and abdominal pain.
Respiratory System
Symptoms include sneezing, congestion, runny nose, wheezing, shortness of breath, coughs, postnasal drip, skin conditions, rashes and itchy, watery eyes. Reactions may be associated with pollens, dust, food, chemicals and animals (including dog and cat dander and bird feathers), air-borne substances and contactants.
Symptoms may include red, itchy, or scaly skin rashes, blisters with oozing and crusting, dry leathery patches or hives. The main cause of dermatological reactions can be a reaction to food but can also be caused by plants, contactants and chemicals. Skin conditions, such as eczema, dermatitis and hives are commonly associated with the symptoms of and allergy or sensitivity.
Headaches and Migraines
Often caused by reactions to food such as chocolate and caffeine, airborne irritants such as pollens and chemicals including household cleaners, perfumes and vehicle fumes.
Tiredness and Fatigue
Many reactions result in lethargy and feelings of fatigue. Tiredness can also occur at certain times of the day, such as in the afternoon after eating.
Multiple Systems
Symptoms may affect multiple systems in the body, resulting in headaches, irritability, hyperactivity, mood swings, fatigue, tachycardia, or inflammation. Symptoms associated with an allergy or sensitivity can contribute to Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However not all cases involve allergies or sensitivities.
General Substances and Stimuli
-Chemicals we come into contact with daily, such as, household cleaners, perfumes, building materials, detergents, fabric softeners, pesticides.
-Occupational sensitivities such as latex or building materials such as paints, glues, carpet, woods, or varnishes.
-Heat, cold, dampness
Please be advised
AAT cannot guarantee result. While AAT may be highly effective in the relief of many symptoms associated with allergies or sensitivities, some cases do not respond.
AAT does not treat cases of anaphylaxis nor life threatening symptoms. Strict avoidance is always advised.
What Common Allergens or Offending Agents can be treated?
Airborne Irritants
Airplane Pressurization
Animal Dander
Artificial Preservatives
Colors, Flavors
Artificial Sweeteners
Barometric Pressure
Coffee and Chocolate
Dairy, Ice Cream, Yogurt
Detergents, Softeners
Dust, Dust Mites
Food Components
Herbal Remedies
Nutritional supplements
Seasonal Allergies
Shell Fish
Stinging Insects
Wine and Spirits
Woods, Metals
How soon will I see results?
Many cases respond quickly to the treatment and achieve long-term results within the first few treatments. However, each case is different and some patients require additional treatment.
What are the most common symptoms addressed at this clinic?
Bloating, cramping, reflux, heartburn, gas, diarrhea, nausea, runny nose, sneezing, congestion, post-nasal drip, itchy watery eyes, coughs, wheezing, shortness of breath, red, scaly or itchy rashes, blisters with oozing and crusting, dry, leathery skin areas, hives, itchy skin, hyperactivity, mood swings, headaches, fatigue, tiredness, chemical sensitivities, reactions to the sun, any negative reaction to a harmless substance.
How many visits will I need?
The number of sessions required depends on the number of items causing a reaction. For example, a patient who reacts to five families of substances (dairy, wheat, corn, animal dander and pollen) may require between 5 to 12 sessions to relieve the symptoms or resolve a condition.
Are there any age restrictions for the treatments?
No. All ages maybe treated, including infants.
How long do I have to wait before I can have contact with the items that were addressed in my session?
Following a session, a patient should avoid the substance that was treated for 2 hours, if possible. Depending on the item addressed, avoidance is not always possible. It is recommended that the patient not have excessive contact with the item until the following day.
Can I have more than one treatment in a day?
Yes. Two treatments can be completed in one day. However, there must be at least 2 hours between treatments.
How long are the sessions?
The Initial Session takes approximately 30-60 minutes which includes an assessment and one treatment. Follow-Up Sessions take 15 to 30 minutes and include one treatment.
Are there any guarantees that my symptoms will be relieved?
Unfortunately, AAT cannot guarantee any results; however, the majority of our patients respond favorably to the AAT treatment on a long-term basis. We cannot guarantee that new symptoms will not develop in the future. While AAT may be highly effective in the relief of many symptoms associated with allergies or sensitivities, some cases do not respond.
Do you take health insurance for the treatments?
No. We do not accept health insurance at this time. A receipt can be printed for you to submit to your carrier to see if you can be reimbursed.
I am from out-of-state. How can you help me?
We recommend out-of-state patients stay at a local hotel or with acquaitences of theirs. They are treated twice a day for a week. Although we can only treat one allergen family at a time, a person can be treated twice in one day if there is a two-hour window between treatments. This approach is helpful for people who come from long distances.
Why you should feel confident about choosing Regenerate Health and Wellness?
We provide a comprehensive assessment to determine the food and environmental stressors that may be triggering you or your child’s symptoms.
We are passionate about helping adults and children achieve their optimum level of health.
We are continually learning more and more about the issues affecting our clients and causing sensitivities.
We know children. We are more than a wellness center offering treatments for allergies and sensitivities. We are compassionate professionals who are highly trained and know how to work with children. We have worked with hundreds of infants and small children as well as pre-teens and teenagers.
The treatments are painless and non-invasive. No shots. No needles. No drugs. No avoidance. Just results.
The value received from the AAT treatments far outweighs the cost incurred by shots, allergy medications, your time away from family and work and the side effects suffered from conventional treatments.
How do I prepare for my first treatment and follow ups?
Patients should arrive 10-15 minutes prior to the Initial session to complete the necessary paperwork.
Please do not smoke or wear perfume or fragrances prior to coming in to the clinic. This is a courtesy to other patients who may be sensitive to those substances.
Please bring any allergy tests from medical doctors to the Initial Session.
Prescription or over-the-counter medications will not affect the treatment.
Do not eat or chew gum during the treatment session.
If you are experiencing an acute stage of illness including an elevated temperature (fever), the patient should contact the clinic to reschedule the appointment.
Do I need to stop taking any of my medications before the treatment?
No, patients do not need to stop taking medication that has been prescribed by a medical doctor without his/her authorization. You may continue taking over the counter medication to control current symptoms, as this will not affect the treatment.
Are any traditional medical allergy tests offered in the clinic?
We do not offer any conventional allergy testing. Patients are encouraged to bring in allergy tests from their physicians.
How should I feel after a treatment?
Everyone is unique and reacts differently to the same allergens. Some people feel more energy. Some find instant relief. Some patients do not feel any difference right after treatment. In most cases, patients feel symptom relief within 24 hours for the allergen family treated.
Can children and infants be treated with AAT?
Yes, absolutely. AAT is safe and effective for patients of all ages. We consider it a privilege to treat children and one treatment may positively transform their health for the rest of their lives. And, we may be the only doctor that your children will love coming to!
We provide a safe environment
There is no pain
Easy for parents since there are no medications or creams to deal with
It works!
Can you treat people who have anaphylaxis?
No. We do not treat conditions involving anaphylactic reactions. Strict avoidance is always advised. However, patients with an anaphylactic reaction may be treated for other sensitivities that are not life threatening.
Is this the same as N.A.E.T.?
No. AAT (Advanced Allergy Therapeutics) is not N.A.E.T (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques). N.A.E.T. utilizes homeopathic solutions. AAT is an advanced proprietary technology only available from authorized and trained, licensed healthcare professionals. All AAT practitioners must hold a medical license in one of the following areas: allopathic medicine, osteopathic medicine, oriental medicine, or chiropractic medicine. Each practitioner utilizes the same protocols.
Do you take health insurance for the treatments?
No. We do not take insurance but your insurance company may cover acupuncture treatments. In that event we can provide you with a receipt to submit to your insurance company. Also, if you have a Health Savings Account you may be eligible for reimbursement.
How can I schedule an appointment for a consultation and treatment?
Schedule online or call our office at 609-332-1324 to schedule your appointment. You may not know it yet, but a life-changing experience awaits you!